Since I didn't have this journal started by the time I planted these, I don't know the exact planting dates. But I'll give some high level guesses as to when we planted what we've got growing. Sorry for the dark pictures, didn't have enough light this evening. Also - missing pictures probably have their own post...
Herbs:Basil - planted in Spring 2009 - having trouble of late - will die out and need to be replanted in 2010 (below in pot)
Oregano - planted 2007 (below in pot)
Rosemary - planted 2007 (below in pot)
Sage - planted 2007 (below in pot)
Thyme - planted 2007 (below in pot)

Lavender - planted 2007 (trimmed way back in Spring 2009)
Vegetables/Fruits:Jalapeno Peppers - Planted Spring 2009
Red Bell Peppers - Planted August 2009
Green Bell Peppers - Planted August 2009
Heatwave Tomatoes - Planted August 2009
Yellow Onions - Planted 9/20/2009
Turnip Greens - Planted August 2009

Simpson's Green Leaf Lettuce - Planted September 2009

Radishes - Planted September 2009

Broccoli - Planted August 2009

Butternut Squash - Planted August 2009
Citrus:Navel Oranges - I think the fruits showed up around May

Satsuma Mandarin Oranges

Improved Meyer Lemons - existing fruits in May
Key Limes
All Citrus Trees planted in 2007
Other Plants:Cascade Hops - planted rhizome Spring 2009